After you place an order and it has been processed, you will receive a confirmation email which contains your order number and tracking number.
Products offered on this website are made-to-order items, therefore we are unable to accept returns or process exchanges. If you believe your order was produced incorrectly, please contact us within 30 days of receipt. If it is determined there is a material or manufacturing defect with your order, we will replace your order or issue a refund.
We do our best to ship orders quickly. Depending on the order status, you may be able to change your delivery address. Contact Customer Service at or
800-343-0306 for assistance.
Your payment method will charge at the time your order ships. Please note: If using a credit card, your statement will reflect payment to Staples Promotional Products.
E-certificates cannot be used as a payment method for limited time offer sites. Once applied to a purchase, any unused balance would be forfeited, as the funds cannot be carried over to future transactions or other stores.
We strive to provide the highest product quality. Contact Customer Service at or
800-343-0306 and we will determine if a return, refund or replacement is needed.
Attention California residents: California’s Proposition 65 entitles California consumers to special warnings for products that contain chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm if those products expose consumers to such chemicals above certain threshold levels. We know you’re concerned about product safety, and we take all necessary steps to comply with all applicable safety and health requirements.
We provide a Prop 65 link under Product Description for each item that requires the Prop 65 warning. If a Prop 65 link does not appear for the product you wish to purchase, the supplier of the product has indicated that it does not require the Prop 65 warning.
Supplier reserves the right, subject to notice to Buyer, to adjust the price of Licensed Products to reflect changes in imposed tariffs that affect the overall cost of the Licensed Products.